the best Salon Marketing Plan- step 1


Whether you have an existing Salon Website you are looking to improve, or you are planning a new site for maximum performance, then these Easy Steps will guide you through the process in a logical order.

We use these steps EVERY day, and know they can give you a salon website with exceptional performance.

  • More NEW clients than traditional marketing
  • A better return on your spend than printed media advertising
  • Wider salon awareness than press releases
  • And higher customer and stylist loyalty

Salon Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a remarkably powerful tool that allows you to monitor your progress as you strive to improve all aspects of your salon website and your Internet marketing.

It will not only tell you how many people visit your site but also which pages they read, what buttons they click, how long they spend on the site, where they came from and how they found your salon web site.

There is a lot more information on the page Google Analytics for salon owners

facebook salon

Your next task is to create a good Facebook Fan Page, one of the most important and valuable steps in all our activities.

Facebook will revolutionise the way you talk to your salon’s clients, and also reach a massive potential new-client market.

There are many other steps related to Facebook later in this campaign, particularly getting the right marketing messages and also using Facebook advertising.

Salon Search engine rank

The final performance analysis tool is to assess your search rankings.

There are a number available, and although quiet complex to set-up, they provide invaluable information about your position in the results when people search for hairdressing key phrases, like  “hair colour Manchester”, “beauty salon Boston” or “best barber shop in Sydney”.

Search engine traffic will be a massive  generator of traffic to your site, so analysis of your rankings over time will help you track improvements and also decide what areas require more work.

These tools not only show your rankings over time but also suggest ways to improve those positions, and this is covered in more detail in Search Engines and SEO for Salons.

You are embarking on a series of “conversations” with clients and potential clients over the coming months, so it is vital that you start to develop some key messages to use throughout the campaigns.

At their most basic levels they describe your salon, the services you provide and your style of service. This is not the time or place to create them as they are should be unique to your salon and help identify what makes you different from every other salon in you city. We suggest trying this yourself initially and possibly getting the help of a marketing professional to finalise your important salon marketing messages.

You will return to this topic many times throughout the campaign as you create new messages for events like Christmas and Valentine’s day; punchy strap-lines for special offers and new products or services;  or teasers for emails and Facebook.

You have now completed the 1st step in our journey to a great salon website. You have put in place the building blocks that will help us create the perfect performance-driven website and monitor your progress as you make continual changes over the coming months.